Each year during the holidays, the Bolivar Police Department joins with Wal-Mart to sponsor Shop with a Cop®. Wal-mart designates an amount of money and the department matches it. Each year local businesses and individuals from our community faithfully contribute to support this wonderful program. The program allows teachers and councilors from surrounding schools choose low-income children K-3rd grade to have the option of being apart of Shop with a Cop. Those children, who otherwise might not have a Christmas, money and time to shop for themselves and/or family members will have a chance to go shopping with a Cop for Christmas. Many times officers have had to encourage a child to buy for him/herself and it is truly a heart-warming experience. The Bolivar Police Department is proud and honored to be a part of Shop with a Cop. If anyone would like more information, you may call (417) 326-5298. If you’d like to help make a family’s Christmas, checks may be mailed to the Bolivar Police Department, P.O. Box 9 Bolivar, MO 65613.
Click on the logo for more images.